I was back in the Juniors this week so it was another busy few days. Since Christmas we've increased the amount of inclusion that the EC children take part in, so for a large part of this week I was accompanying one of the Junior boys to inclusion maths with Grade 3 - which was great because we all know maths is one of the subjects I excel in.
Despite my sarcasm it was actually quite enjoyable. But because this boy is autistic he finds it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time. A two hour maths inclusion is very challenging for him, so we usually ended up leaving when he started to lose concentration because after that point he wouldn't be taking anything else in. The last day we went one of the other boys in the Grade 3 class brought in Stuart, his pet chameleon which was very exciting. The boy from the Junior class was convinced it was a dragon, "like the one from Harry Potter."
On Friday, the Junior and Senior classes both went out into the Enrichment Centre garden and picked up fallen Marulas from the ground to give to the Lifeskills class. Lifeskills are now taking on the challenge of making Marula jam, so I'll probably be helping with that in a couple of weeks! It was difficult trying to get the fruit in the baskets without them getting eaten, but eventually we filled about four containers - they're going to have a lot of peeling to do.
On Saturday Kathryn and I surprised a little girl from Aftercare by visiting her during her birthday party in Spur (a restaurant). Earlier that week at Aftercare she mentioned that she was having a party there and how cool it would be if we could come, so we decided to pay a surprise visit. We bought her a little necklace and played with the kids a little bit in the soft play area - no, I can't believe I'm almost 19 either... She seemed to love it though and told us that she's going to wear the necklace all of next week.
In other news I wrote up a new half marathon training schedule because I'm planning to run another one in May. Hopefully I'll be able to raise some money for the EC medical funds! Some family back home are running the Tiree half marathon on the same day, so good luck - we'll compare times if I make it to the end alive...
Next week I'm back in Seniors, a breather after being in Juniors for a week. Unfortunately I didn't get round to taking any pictures over the last few days but I saw this and found it amusing.
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