Sunday, 15 February 2015

A Good Week

This week in the Senior class the children took part in a lot of inclusion - this is when the more mentally able take part in some of the mainstream classes. For a couple of days I wheeled one of the little boys over to Natural Science, Music and History which was really enjoyable! I sat next to him in class helping him with work and taking down notes on his performance, I even learnt a few things myself... What touched me the most about those inclusion periods was how thoughtful all of the mainstream kids were towards this little boy. They'd constantly offer to carry his crutches, push his chair, get him water, offer him sweets and at break he played a very slow game of tag. It was so lovely to watch him being included - okay, all the other children would walk instead of run so that he could catch them, but you could tell he was loving it.

This little boy also shares the same birthday as me so I'm planning on making him a mermaid tail. It might seem like a strange thing for a nine year old boy to want... but mermaids are his favourite thing, ever. I told him that all mermaids receive their 'grown-up' tail on their tenth birthday - to which he squeeled with delight and asked if that meant he could "now swim to Atlantis".

On Thursday are Project Trust desk officer, Peter, came to visit us at our project to see how we're getting on. He spent an hour interviewing each of us, asking us questions about everything - homesickness, safety, work. It was very enjoyable to talk about the project in-depth. That evening he took us out for dinner (the best part of the day) at a place called Mike's Kitchen where they do fantastic burgers. I ordered a Mexican burger with chips and then a slice of cheesecake for dessert - it was all paid for by Peter so we took advantage...

Yesterday we went on a hostel outing to the Heinertsberg Berry Festival. Part of the outing was blueberry picking and we each got given a small punnet to fill - the blueberries tasted amazing so it was hard to resist popping a couple into your mouth instead of the punnet. Then we went to visit the market that sold little hand-made crafts and food. I bought a chocolate brownie which was delicious but not on par with yours, Mum! After about an hour of looking around and trying some free samples, we got the bus back to the hostel and had a Braai. It was definitely a Saturday well spent, it was nice to get out of the Mitchell House grounds for a bit.

Next weekend is a long one because it's the Mid Term break. I'm going to be travelling down to Durban by myself to meet up with my auntie Ann - the first family member I will have seen since arrival! Next Sunday's blog post is going to be a special one to celebrate the six month mark, we're half way there already and the time has flown.

Zoe getting in the berry-picking zone

#1 berry picking team

Mmmmm yum
The Market
Hostel Braai


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